Break Down

June 16, 2010 § Leave a comment

The first step to the conversion was the break down.

What you need:

  • Socket Set
  • Wrench Set
  • Chain Break Tool
  • Crank Tool
  • Allen Wrenches
  • WD-40
  • Pliers
  • Wire Cutters
  • Phillips and Flat Head Screwdrivers
  • Dead Blow Hammer (Or Something Big to do some Hitting)

I started with this bike by taking off the seat post first. This is not easy, since it is old, and rusted on. It took a good amount of effort to get it off. Next I moved to the wrap on the handle bars. This was very easy to get off and only required a screwdriver to removed the bar ends.

Once the tape was off I removed the break levers, first removing the cable from the lever. Next I followed the cable down and un attached the brakes from the cable. This was done just by squeezing the brakes with my hand and releasing the cable from the clip. Once the cable is off remove the brake with a wrench and make sure to keep all of the bolts and washers.

Next remove the stem. This is done by loosening the bolt in the top of the stem with a wrench. This should come out fairly easily, however the stem will not come out of the frame easily. This will take some banging with your hammer. Try to warp a t-shirt around it before you hit it! There is a conical shaped metal piece that fits in the base of the stem. Make sure to keep this because you need this to re assemble the bike.

Now you can remove the shifters.

Once the shifters are off, remove the bike chain. Use the chain break tool to break the chain. This can not be done any other way. A tool costs $14 bucks. Next follow the shifter cables down and remove any cables, and housing. You will not need any of this later on.

Next disconnect the front and rear derailleur. Once these are off, and the chain is off comes the crank.You will need a crank tool to do this. Remove the dust cover by un screwing it from the bike. Then use a socket set to remove the nut which holds on the crank. To remove the crank you will need your crank tool. I had a hard time figuring out how to work this because there are no instructions. I had to remove the piece on the front of the crank tool with a allen wrench. I think this is to keep the crank together before you get it home. DO MAKE SURE TO DO THIS! The crank tool will screw in and then push the crank off. This takes some muscle.

Now your bike should be taken apart.

Clean it up, and figure out what you want to keep and what you want to buy.

P.S. You can also remove the wheels when ever you want. If you are keeping them place them to the side.

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